Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Deleting Multiple Tabs on a Kindle Fire

Hi Everyone,
A question asked today involved deleting multiple tabs on a Kindle Fire.  Many times we open multiple tabs as we are browsing the Internet.  You can close them one at a time by tapping on the X found on the tab.  But if you open more than a few you may want to close them all at once.

To close all tabs at once:
1. If not already opened, open the web browser on your Kindle Fire.
2. If not already opened, tap on the window that has the multiple tabs.
3. On the far left-hand side of the Tab bar, tap and hold.
Kindle Fire Tab bar with multiple tabs open.  To open a new tab, tap the plus sign.
4. A pop-up box will appear.
Pop-up box for closing tabs on a Kindle Fire.
5. Tap the Close all tabs option and all of the tabs will close at once.

Give it a try!


  1. can not close tabs on findle fire,screen will not come up as to many tabs open,how do i close tabs,when can not see them

  2. I am having the exact problem. Any help would be wonderful. I don not want to have to reset to factory settings or I will lose all my downloaded apps

  3. This doesn't work. No pop up box appears when I tap and hold
